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Nieuw op Solvari

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GeneraPro and associates presents: Over 10 years in house renovating business. We specialize in renovation of entire houses, but we also carry out smaller projects such as interior renovation. We also paint external facades. Within the scope of garden works, we arrange tiles, put up fences and build sheds. We guarantee satisfaction with the work performed. Among our projects is the reconstruction of one of the monumental buildings on the famous Noordeinde street in The Hague, in which we located 18 exclusive hotel rooms. DeSalon van Fagel is B&B where you can ensure the quality of our services.


Projecten die wij uitvoeren


Sinds 2022
partner van Solvari
Sinds 2010
werkzaam in de branche
1 jaar garantie
op de uitgevoerde werkzaamheden


's-gravenhage (Hoofd vestiging)
Zoutmanstraat 74 2518gt 's-gravenhage

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